Still the creepiest character of this show.
Sunako's so cute! x3
Natsuno can be occasionally hot sometimes...

Tohru. TT___TT You will be missed.

And so will your yaoi antics.
So yeah... Stuff got seriously creepy just now, creepier than Higurashi. This is gonna be my new recommendation to everyone says that anime is childish, cause hell, Higurashi is Gummy Bears compared to this!
Over the last episodes, a lot of people have been dying, and Doctor Ozaki suspects an epidemic. However, the symptoms are unclear. He manages to determine anemia for most of the victims, but that can't be the cause of death, and none of the victims show any sign of internal bleedings. This disease is a mystery. Of course to us, it's not, because we all know the victims are being killed of by a bunch of vampires. Still the story succeeds to remain unpredictable, although showing subtle signs of what is to come. For example in episode 3, we got to see how one of the victims invited Mr. & Mrs Vampire over at his mansion. The same episode, his wife died, and one episode later, so did he and his child. The lesson of this story; NEVER EVER INVITE A VAMPIRE OVER AT YOUR HOUSE. As we got to see in the last episode, our dearest Tohru, Natsuno's only friend and potential non-canon lover, didn't get this right.
After being helped out by the servant of the Kirishiki family, he invited the creepy cat-eared guy to come over some time. I already knew back then, the tragic destiny the writers had in mind for him.
But saying that now wouldn't make any sense since she's already dead and she was probably better of alive...
Somewhere deep down I still hope that Natsuno will somehow manage to save Tohru, but I'm afraid it's to no avail, judging from die OP also. TTwTT