We never promised, but don't let go of my hand.
You know Hachi, I wanted to keep you to myself so badly that I'd even put a collar around your neck.
That scared me every time, so I kept away from you on purpose.
Even now it's hard for me to make friends.
It's still a bit.....

Shin, Shin, Shin. I'm rewatching NANA, and I'm starting to remember why I had such a huge crush on you. You're so damn adorable!

Even after watching it for the second time, this episode still makes me want to cry, this time even more that the first time I watched it. I think it's partly because it reminds me of a certain person. I actually started reading NANA because of that very person, and now, I can very much relate to Nana's feelings towards Hachiko. Somehow, this series has so much more meaning to me than the first time I watched it. I would never have thought I would be able to identify with Nana and Hachi like this, but now, I can identify with both. With Nana about Hachi, and wanting to make her a pet so she can't run away. Admiring her so much, for her ignorance and purity. And with Hachi about sleeping with Takumi. I never went that far, but I very well know the concept of just forcing yourself to fall for someone because he seems to be the only one who takes interest in you, and besides, you don't see how you deserve any better. Just I don't have a Nobu. The first time I watched NANA I hated Hachi for sleeping with Takumi in the first place. For keeping her child. For choosing Takumi over Nobu, but I understand now. Why she didn't give Nobu the explanation he wanted, and also her relationship with Takumi. Just wanting someone to hold you because you feel lonely, and it doesn't even really matter who. I think it's because NANA confronts me with these two thinks that the series hits me so much harder this time. It's like I wasn't really ready for the story back then, so I'm glad I'm rewatching it. I've been postponing watching this episode for ages. Because I knew what was gonna happen, I didn't want to watch it. And it was indeed painful to see it happen all over again. I really was nearly crying at the point where Nobu was begging for an explanation and all Hachi says is "Gomennasai." And then Shin starts reading Reira's lyrics... And to make it all even more heartwrenching, they end the episode with Kuroi Namida, one of the saddest and most beautiful songs in the world for me. And now I want to listen Starless Night as well. Somehow NANA always leaves me with this sad melancholic feeling, but it's not something bad. I don't know... It's like it takes me back from anime-heaven to real life and then says; look, you're not the only one. Ah well, I can't really describe. And I'm going astray. I should be talking about anime in this blog, and talking about my real life issues in my other blog. So I'm gonna end this here. ^^ Oyasumi.
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