donderdag 22 juli 2010

Ookami-san to Shinichinin to Nakama-tachi, episode 4

This weeks focus: Otsuu-senpai

That innocent face while saying such a thing... <3


Innocent Ringo is innocent.

The gang in Maido-mode. =D

Oh my, this was definitely my favourite episode so far! It was absolutely hilarious all the way through, and then nearing the end, it made a shocking twist. I never expected this show to get this serious, but surprisingly, it really worked, and I was moved!

This week's episode was based on a Japanese folk tale called The Crane's Repayment, about a man who saves a crane. One day, the crane turns back to him as a beautiful woman, and becomes his wife. The man is poor, but the crane starts weaving cloths with her own feathers for him to sell on the market for high prices, but once the man discovers his true form, she flies away, leaving only her last finished cloth.

This episode was focused around Otsuu-senpai, the maid who had an obsession with returning favors. After being saved by Ryoushi, she decides to return the favor by stalking him, which is a problem to Ryoushi, so Ringo and Ryouko decide to help him. After uncovering the sad truth behind Ostuu-senpai's obsession, Ringo comes up with a plan to help her: They all dress up as maids (YES THE GUYS TOO! 8D) and serve Otsuu-san for a day.

Okay, I laughed a LOT during this episode, but the Hansel & Gretel thing nearly killed me. It turns out that Ryoushi lives with a the student council president and his secretary. In other words, Hansel and his sister Gretel, who, according to the narrator, have already gotten over the fact that they're siblings.


*Bursts out in laughter*

Okay, that was funny.

I really like the way this show is progressing. Even though there doesn't seem to be a real plot, I'm thourouly enjoying the fairytale parodies. I only just noticed that the very title of this show refers to Snow White, and Ringo, apart from Little Red Riding Hood, to the poisoned apple! That must be why she's so evil despite looking so sweet! Brilliant, just brilliant.

Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin, episode 3

Fumiaki-chan made her fall for him.

Oh the sweet future they will share. =']

New character Fumiaki fell in love with
But she's a horrible driver. (Even though she has a kick-ass car...)

Maya is NOT AMUSED with her small amount of screentime. And neither am I.

This episode was significantly weaker than the prior ones, partly because of the lack of Maya. The episode was focused on Fumiaki, and the most of it felt pretty pointless.

It started off hilarious with Fumiaki complimenting Kawashima about her hairstyle, which was apparently her weak spot, causing her to fall for him and trying to kiss her. While trying to push her away, Fumiaki takes a photo of her with his cellphone to see what his future would be like if he'd hook up with her...
Well that gave me a good laugh.

That night, Fumiaki went to eat curry somewhere and fell hard for the waitress. After eating curry at the same place a number of times, he went with the waitress for a bit of sightseeing in the city. Nothing partivularly interesting happened until Maya got attacked by something, and that was the end.

I'm a little disappointed about this, but I'm guessing the waitress might become somehow important to the rest of the plot. If not, they wasted almost an entire episode on an insignificant character, and I can't see that happening. Ah well, on to next week to see what was attacking Maya.

Highschool of the Dead episode 3

Evil Megane-sensei gesignaleerd!

En als ik zeg evil, bedoel ik ook evil.

Want evil in een serie als deze wil nogal wat zeggen.

En nu heeft Evil Megane-sensei zichzelf tot leider gebombardeerd! 8D

Oké, oké. Ik geef het toe, deze serie gaat vooruit. De eerste episode was het toppunt wat betreft de ecchi momenten (Gaat die school nurse al bijna dood? OTL) en er zijn een aantal zombie-slachtpartijen ingeruild voor dialoogscenes met enig niveau. Deze episode wees er zelfs dat er misschien waarachtig wel een plot is!

Oké, genoeg sarcasme. Laten we het een kans geven. Takashi, Rei (die wonder boven wonder steeds minder bitcherig wordt, Takagi, die gun-otaku, Mrs. Non-bra-wearing School Nurse en Saeko-sama zijn inmiddels uit de school ontsnapt, samen met een handjevol andere overlevenden, waaromder Shido-sensei (zie screencaps hierboven), een evil leraar waar Rei blijkbaar niet zo dol op is. Ik gok aanranding, iets in die hoek. Wat heeft Rei het toch moeilijk. >.>

Nee, das flauw Yami. Ze heeft het echt moeilijk, ik bedoel ze heeft net haar vriendje verloren, en dan zag ze ook nog eens op het nieuws dat de zombies letterlijk de wereld overnemen, en dan wordt de controle binnen het kleine groepje overlevenden ook nog eens overgenomen door een leraar waar ze een hekel aan heeft. Dus springt ze uit de bus. >.> Natuuurlijk volgt Takashi haar als een schoothondje, en omdat er uitgerekend op dat moment een bus voor zombies crashte voor de tunnel waar ze toevallig net instonden, worden ze gescheiden van de groep. Dat was zo'n beetje het einde van de episode. Ik hoop maar dat ze nu niet alleen op Rei en Takashi gaan focussen want ik wil mijn kostbare Saeko-screentime dus echt niet inleveren voor die egoïstische, onverantwoordelijke jankmiep.

Maar verder, leuke serie. ^^ (Klinkt het nog geloofwaardig?) Ach, het is wel vermakelijk, ben benieuwd waar het heengaat. In ieder geval houd ik van de OP! =)

zondag 18 juli 2010

Lovely Complex Live Action Movie!


*Fact: Real people acting like anime-characters = No good.
*Fact: Not everyone in this movie acted like anime-characters.^^

*Fact: His name is Koike Teppei.
*Fact: I. Am. In. Love.

Can he sing?
*runs off to yoochoob*

zaterdag 17 juli 2010

Maybe I should start watching dorama...

Yeah, he's also in a boy band called Arashi but... Would be nice to see him act, desshou?
Oh what's more; the guy beneath plays Otani in the live action movie of Lovely Complex! Not bad huh? He's pretty cute! Just like Otani! I actually want to see that movie now. Oh damn you pretty Asians. x'D

On top of all that, Kimi ni Todoke is getting a live action movie in september too! And I wouldn't be a true KimiTodo-fag if I wasn't gonna watch it now would I? And Our Kazehaya-kun doesn't look that bad either. (A)

vrijdag 16 juli 2010

Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin, episode 2

Uchida Fumiaki, our naked, time-travelling agent.

Maya's future?

This was actually pretty creepy! O.o

Maya decides to be a regular student instead of the school principle.

After 2 episodes, Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin turned out to be much more than just a well-illustrated comedy series. This week it had, besides comedy, mystery, action, genuine horror, and even a touch of drama! It's amazing how this series manages to take itself seriously with such an amount of hilarious comedy without looking ridiculous. The funny parts are really funny but the horror and the mystery still works! I'm having even higher expectations now!

About the episode. It starts where it left off last week: with Fumiaki-san landing on the school roof wearing nothing but his goggles. Maya, who witnesses this happening, runs off screaming as a response. Now here some good advice when going to a job interview;
1. Wear clothing.
2. If you're not wearing clothing, and people run off screaming; don't follow them.
Good thing Fumiaki wasn't really going for the job of a history teacher anyway. In fact he's an agent from the future, who was sent back in time to save the world from being ruled by aliens by changing the past. Somehow the fact that the future world is being ruled by aliens has something to do with Occult Academy, and the prophecies of Nostradamus. Now that's interesting!

Fumiaki carries a mobile phone from the future, therefore, if he takes a picture of something with it, it shows what that will be like thirteen years (1999-2012) in the future. The first example of this is Maya using it to take a picture of herself, only to see the cellphone show a dirty pile of bones. Which means that if things continue the way they are, Maya will be dead in less than thirteen years, (assuming that she's already dead for a while when all that's left of her is a pile of bones) and even though series seem to leave that part aside for now, I think that's a rather shocking development. Let's just say that Maya is about 17 years old in 1999, than if she were to be still alive in 2012, she would be about 30, which is pretty young to die, so that means she probably didn't die a natural death. Add that to the fact that she's getting death-threads now...

Prior to the death-thread, there's also this scene of the vice-headmaster-or-whatever-she-is and this other guy discussing that Maya might find out their plans (whatever that may be), and that she's getting in the way. Are they planning to kill her?

I think the mystery in this series is building up nicely, and the story seems way more complex than I expected after seeing episode 1. I wonder what episode 3 will bring us!

maandag 12 juli 2010

Shiki episode 1

Doctor Ozaku looks like a cool doctor. =3
Main character dying in the first episode? I'm telling you; Higurashi Advanced! x'D

Yuuki is kinda cool... Even though he's a heartless jerk. I mean come on; HE'S MYSTERIOUS! <3

My first impression of this show was something like Higurashi Advanced, and so far that seems quite right. The main character dies in the first episode and the setting's somewhat similar; A small village, a hot summer, new villagers... But the art and animation are A LOT BETTER, and I get the feeling that this is gonna be more serious then Higurashi, hence the "Advanced."

Even though the main character dies, I have the feeling that nothing much happened in this episode, but an amazingly strong atmosphere was created, and I really like that. Everything in the entire episode adds to that mysterious, somewhat anxious atmosphere, even the artstyle. Not to mention the amazing soundtrack!

Not much to say about it really, just looking forward to episode 2, I have pretty high expectations from this series. ^^

Highschool of the Dead episode 1 & 2

Oké, goed opletten. Zie je hoe hoog haar uniform zit?
Maar dan buigt ze voorover en dan zie je DIT. O.o Zeg nou zelf. Dat kan niet. Dat klopt niet. De filosofie van deze scene? Takashi, onze mainie, stond te emo'en omdat ie is gedumpt door het meisje dat hij leuk vind. Saya kwam naar hem toe en leunde voorover om commentaar te leveren op zijn emo-heid. De link met deze shot? Tja.. Blijkbaar was haar gezicht niet belangrijk.

Zo was eigenlijk de hele eerste episode. Ecchi puur en alleen voor de ecchi. Gore puur en alleen voor de gore. Al was de gore nog logischer. De school werd ten slotte aangevallen door zombies...
Wat er in de episode gebeurde was basically dit:
Takashi is dus emo omdat zijn beste vriend er met zijn crush vandoor is gegaan. Terwijl hij melancholisch uit het raam staat te staren ziet hij wat leraren bij de ingang van het schoolplein worden aangevallen door een zombie, en zelf in zombies veranderen.

Het eerste wat Takashi doet is naar het klaslokaal gaan van het meisje dat hem zojuist heeft gedumpt en haar zonder enige uitleg het lokaal uit te sleuren. Ten minste, dat probeert hij, maar Rei werkt niet mee, tot hij haar een bitch slap in haar gezicht geeft. De rest van de spisode bestaat grootendeels uit rennende scholieren -lees: bouncing boobs-, vallende scholieren -lees: random pantyshots- en mensen die worden opgevreten door hilarisch uitziende zombies. Horror? Hell no. Comedy? Ja. Waar ik vooral om moest lachen was een scene waarin twee beste vriendinnetjes hand in hand door de school huppelden (bouncing boobs, bouncing boobs) en zworen dat ze elkaar NOOOOOIT in de steek zouden laten. Vijf seconden later wordt één van hen door de zombies van de trap getrokken (MAJOR pantyshot), maar klampt zich wanhopig vast aan haar beste vriendin. Beste vriendin: "LAAT ME LOOOS!" Vervolgens trapt ze haar beste vriendin van de trap af en kijkt psycho-lachend toe hoe ze wordt opgepeuzeld, om vervolgens zelf ook aangevallen te worden door een kudde bloeddorstoge ondode medescholieren. ^^

Even later zet de drama van de episode in. Rei's vriendje Hisashi is gebeten door een zombie en verandert er dus langzaam zelf ook in eentje. De enige oplossing is voor Takashi om zijn beste vriend om zeep te helpen voordat dit gebeurt. Deze scene is zeer dramatisch uitgevoerd en zou BIJNA ontroerend kunnen zijn als ie niet nog steeds doordrenkt was met ecchi. Dit maakte het onmogelijk om het serieus te nemen. Bovendien was Rei's seiyuu een beetje irritant. Ik bedoel ja, het was dramatisch, maar ze overdreef.

Mijn tip aan alle vrouwelijke HOTD personages; Gevoerde Beha's! Serieus, ze bieden ondersteuning, ook in moeilijke tijden, zoals wanneer de school randomly wordt aangevallen door zombies. (Want een verklaring hebben we nog niet gehad)

Episode 2 was meer van hetzelfde. Niks bijzonders eigenlijk. De opbouw kwam redelijk overeen; Humor + Horror met aan het eind een snufje drama. Gelukkig was het ecchi-gehalte een stuk lager dan vorige week, en kregen we nu wat fatsoenlijke dialoog. Voor zover dat mogelijk is bij deze serie. We hebben in ieder geval meer characters gekregen, en dat is mooi, want met Takashi en Rei alleen zou ik het niet uithouden. Saya is een stuk meer likable dan in de vorige episode, maar nog steeds een beetje vervelend. Saeko is officieel mijn favoriet nu, al is het alleen maar omdat haar rok zo lang is dat pantyshots bij haar min of meer zijn uitgesloten! =D Bovendien is ze sterk, intelligent, en nog bad-assed ook! Ja, met Saeko wordt deze serie misschien wat draaglijker voor de ecchi-hater, but then again, ik geloof dat ik in de OP ook wel wat ecchi-shots met haar heb gezien... Saeko is het enige sane slachtoffer van de perverted maker van deze serie. Oh de onrechtvaardigheid. ;___;

woensdag 7 juli 2010

Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin, episode 1

That is one fine school campus is it not? Maya's dad must have been a pretty rich guy...

Dead people coming back to life are scary. Dead principles coming back to life are scarier.

The second main character makes his great entrance. Just to let you know; he's not wearing anything other than those goggles.

Ehm... Yeah. That was quite something. x'D Not quite what I expected though, but that's not a bad thing! ^^

Maya, our main character is the daughter of the principal of Occult Academy; a project for which he abandoned his wife and daughter. Sounds pretty serious huh? But after mentioning that at the very funeral of this principal some evil spirit takes posession of his body, making the dead man attack his own students, looking like a drooling, green zombie, does it still sound serious?
I'm really wondering where this story will go, and what kind of anime it is. So far there has been comedy, drama, horror and possibly even the start of a little romance (read: Naked man landing on the school roof). So what's it gonna be? I guess mostly comedy, but we'll see. At the very least I will probably be watching this anime until the end, even if only to find out where it's going, but so far, I really like the feel of it.

Art & Animation are also big plusses. Not only is the animation very smooth, the movements look quite natural rather than elegant. I like that in an anime. The art is quite unique and pretty realistic for an anime. Not much is known about the characters' personalities so far, but I know that I already know Maya, though she's much less stuck-up than I thought. She seems very clever and I guess it takes a lot of guts to cut your very own father's head of with an axe even if he's already dead.

Looking forward to episode 2. ^^

donderdag 1 juli 2010

Ookami-san to Shinichinin no Nakama-tachi, episode 1

Hilarious Cinderella-kick. x'D


Fanservice! Or is it? O.o

Gotta love those gloves! <3

Ringo-chan is adorably evil! <3

First impression: Bad-ass comedy with some slow tsundere romance, and a lot of fairytale-parodies. Bad thing? Not at all!

So what happens this first episode? Quite a lot already. Gives me the feeling it's gonna be a 12/13-episodes show. Anyway. Main cast gets introduced very briefly, though I didn't catch most of it, because there was this really annoying narrator blabbling on about everything. Please tell me that's only in the first episode?

So far, this show seems interesting. I had a couple of good laughs and the characters seem great! Especially Ringo-chan! Little Red Riding Hood is more evil than the Big Bad Wolf, take that Grimm! Ryoushi seems cool too! He's perfectly stupid. And we have a maid. How can anyone have a fetish for returning favors? Ah well, she can. The leader-ish guy seems cool too. And Majo-san is simply a genius for inventing those gloves.

Highlights of this episode?

Well, I love how they did the 'fanservice scenes'. We get to see Ryouko getting a shower, and it's your typical fanservice-scene, only there's no boobs, since Ryouko is a flatchest. And the narrator doesn't leave that unmentioned. x'D Okay, for the most part she's annoying, but that part was funny.

Even more funny was the ending part of the episode. The mission was to keep some guy from retiring from the tennis-club because this girl, who was apparently a costumer of the organization Ryouko and Ringo are in (which I still don't really get), likes that guy. But for some reason, that very girl ends up racing into him in a pumpkin-shaped carriage, and kicking him in the face, thereby losing a shoe. After the ED, we see that guy, who had lost consiousness after that kick, looking for his "Cinderella" by having a whole crowd of fangirls try the shoe on and kick him. After being kicked in the face again by the girl in question he orders here to kick him again like 8 times, before sharing a romantic shoujo-manga-moment with her. x'D Masochist much? I hope this show keeps up. If it does, it'll have me looking forward to it every week I guess. On to next week! ^^