donderdag 22 juli 2010

Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin, episode 3

Fumiaki-chan made her fall for him.

Oh the sweet future they will share. =']

New character Fumiaki fell in love with
But she's a horrible driver. (Even though she has a kick-ass car...)

Maya is NOT AMUSED with her small amount of screentime. And neither am I.

This episode was significantly weaker than the prior ones, partly because of the lack of Maya. The episode was focused on Fumiaki, and the most of it felt pretty pointless.

It started off hilarious with Fumiaki complimenting Kawashima about her hairstyle, which was apparently her weak spot, causing her to fall for him and trying to kiss her. While trying to push her away, Fumiaki takes a photo of her with his cellphone to see what his future would be like if he'd hook up with her...
Well that gave me a good laugh.

That night, Fumiaki went to eat curry somewhere and fell hard for the waitress. After eating curry at the same place a number of times, he went with the waitress for a bit of sightseeing in the city. Nothing partivularly interesting happened until Maya got attacked by something, and that was the end.

I'm a little disappointed about this, but I'm guessing the waitress might become somehow important to the rest of the plot. If not, they wasted almost an entire episode on an insignificant character, and I can't see that happening. Ah well, on to next week to see what was attacking Maya.

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