woensdag 28 april 2010
Loveless episode 12 END
That was probably the most confusing anime ending EVER. And accoring to someone on the fandub-forum I fail human emotions for not crying. x'D I was SO relieves to see the anime covered not even half of the manga! I want to know the rest of the story, so I WILL read the manga. >_< I don't think I can write a review now though. Bluh. I might try anyway, but not now...
dinsdag 27 april 2010
Loveless episode 8
I uttered a sigh of relief when I saw Soubi in the preview for next episode. For a moment I really thought Soubi died. O.o I really hate him now for not taking up the phone and fighting in his own, and for breaking all of his promises to Ritsuka. I still don't really know if he really loves Ritsuka or if he's just following Seimei's orders... And I know he doesn't want to endanger Ritsuka and all, but he just needs him to fight those zero people, and he shouldn't just allow people to kill him like that because it would make Ritsuka sad! U_U
Loveless episode 5
Awww, that was soo cute! =3 Never thought I'd enjoy this this much, shounen-ai has never really appealed to me... I think up til now, in every episode, Soubi kissed Ritsuka at least once... x'D But it was nice to see that at the end, their weird reletionship was almost like an innocent teenage love couple. ^^ I had to grin when Ritsuka sent Soubi that text message, especially when Kio called Soubi Lolicon. x'D He kind of has a point though. I mean he's in university and Ritsuka is in elementary school. But still, the way Ritsuka stared at his phone like that when he was in bed. That could have been me lying there! x'D In fact, I have... looking forward to next epi. =)
Loveless episode 3

I admit. The relationship between Ritsuka and Soubi is starting to fascinate me, and I'm sharing Ritsuka's feelings. I think he's weird and creepy, yet I would want someone like that in my life. I think it's a very realistic way t0 portray a very unrealistic relationship, and that on itself is pretty admirable. I felt sorry for Ritsuka when his teacher asked him about parent's day, and it was kinda cute Soubi came to pick him up. And I disliked Soubi in the beginning! The earpiercing part was amazing. How they can make such a scene out of that... The concept may seem really weird and perverted, but it was executed really nicely. I'm starting to like this show more and more. The characters are growing more and more likable, and it was nice to see something else this episode, like how they went to Yuiko's place, instead of another fighting scene. Conclusion:
*Ritsuka = Cuteness
*Loveless is growing on me
*The drama is pretty good
*The music is awesome
*I want my own Soubi.
Loveless episode 2

Thing are getting interesting, even though it's still weird and confusing... I love the soundtrack for this series, and Ritsuka is pretty adorable. Soubi isn't even annoying me that much anymore, and even Yuiko got a little less obnoxious! I think it helps that she stopped calling herself Yuiko.
So about the story. It turns out Soubi only came and said he loved Ritsuka because Seimei told him too. So I shared a wtf-moment with Ritsuka. Still he (Soubi) seems to be convinced of his love for Ritsuka. Seimei is killed by an organization called Seven Moons, and the kids that attacked Ritsuka and Soubi in the first episode are part of this organization. For some reason, I find Ritsuka to be a rather realistic and credible character, despite his cat-ears and tail. The way he reacts to things seems really natural, and I like that. Soubi, on the other hand, is still your first-class weirdo, but hey. I guess we'll find out more about him. ^^
vrijdag 23 april 2010
Loveless episode 1

Both a kiss and a love confession already in the first episode. That was a very eventful first episode. Felt a little rush, and I had this wtf-feeling throughout the entire episode. Ritsuka is kinda cute though. And I love the artstyle.
Anyways. We get to see A cat-eared kid named Ritsuka on his first day at high school in a world full of cat-eared kids. According what I've read in a summary of the manga, kids in this world are born with nekomimi, but when they have sex for the first time, they fall off. There's already a few references made, like the fact that mrs. Teacher still has her ears. x'D I think it would be pretty embarassing if everyone could tell whether you're a virgin just by looking at you... Anyway, when Ritsuka's running away from his very annoying classmate, he bumps into a guy who says he knows his brother. Let me tell you that this guy DOESN'T HAVE nekomimi anymore. So Ritsuki refers to him as an adult. O.o
This guy, after knowing him for a few hours, tells Ritsuka he loves him and kisses him out of nowhere. Then two cat-eared kid come to get Ritsuka, but mr. Adult objects and fights them. In a rather Mahou Shoujo-ish way, only more serious and without the frilly outfits. I don't get it. Like at all. This series starts out really weird and I'm wondering where it will go, but I think it's okay do far. Ritsuka's enough reason to keep watching for now. ^^
donderdag 22 april 2010
NANA episode 35

I want a new ED already! Hearing Kuroi Namida after such a bunch of heartbreaking events always makes me want to cry. TT___TT I wonder why people hate Reira so much. I feel really sorry for her, but I think she's a nice character too. Ofcourse, I do hate her for screwing with Shin, but that's kind of... I don't know. He ís a prostitute. So I guess we can't really blame her for playing with him. We didn't get a guitar-playing Shin this episode though! Maybe next one... I hate Nana now for not making up with Hachi. But I still love her! ^^ The bad side of this episode was that it didn't have any Shin, but Nana crying in Nobu's arms was cute enough! (Though it would have been even better if it were Hachi. TT__TT
NANA episode 34

Oh fuck. I hate this episode so much! I mean; Takumi raping Hachi, with Nana next door. Nana breaking the glasses and not remembering it, Takumi announcing to everyone that he's marrying Hachi and Reira hurting my lovely Shin-chan by running of to Yasu. I really wonder what would have happened if Hachi never got pregnant. And I still think the baby's Nobu's. I WANT YAZAWA-SAMA TO PICK UP THE MANGA ALREADY! Well anyway. This episode remains depressing. And then Kuroi Namida at the end. I think they're doing it on purpose. i___i But, to make up for it, neext episode Shin will be playing the guitar! =D I'm looking forward to it.
vrijdag 16 april 2010
zaterdag 10 april 2010
Tegami Bachi - Review
Heldhaftige postbodes, enorme insecten, eeuwige nacht en geweren die schieten met stukjes hart. Die dingen vormen zo'n beetje de basis voor het eerste seizoen van de geanimeerde serie van de Shounen Jump-manga Tegami Bachi, ook wel bekend als Letter Bee.
De fictieve wereld Amberground, waar het altijd nacht is, is verdeeld in drie districten: De "hoofdstad" Akatsuki, waar de elite wonen, is altijd helder verlicht door een kunstmatige, door mensen gemaakte ster. In Yuusari, het volgende district, is deze ster te ver weg om het land echt goed te verlichten, waardoor het altijd schemerig is, hier woont de middenklasse. Het derde districht, Yodaka, is altijd gehuld in duisternis. De hoeveelheid licht die de dorpen daar bereikt is vergelijkbaar met maanlicht. Hier wonen de armste mensen van Amberground. De enorme insecten genaamd Gaichuu, die mensen aanvallen zodra ze een hart voelen maken het zelfstandig reizen binnen de districten levensgevaarlijk, en de grenzen tussen de districten oversteken is al helemaal onmogelijk zonder de daarvoor speciaal bestemde pas, en deze word niet zomaar aan iedereen verstrekt.
Gelukkig zijn er de Letter Bees, werknemers van de overheid die de onherbergzame landschappen, bewoond door Gaichuu trotseren om de mensen van Amberground met elkaar in contact te houden. Namelijk door het bezorgen van brieven. Gauche Suede is één van die Letter Bees, en op één van zijn missies bezorgt hij een eenzaam weesjongetje genaamd Lag Seeing als brief vanuit Yodaka bij zijn tante in Yuusari, zodat die voor hem kan zorgen. Lag is zeer onder de indruk van de jonge Letter Bee, en zweert bij hun afscheid dan ook dat hij later een Letter Bee zal worden, net als Gauche.

Vijf jaar later mag Lag dan eindelijk solliciteren om een Letter Bee te worden, maar net als hij is aangenomen doet hij een tragische ontdekking; Gauche Suede, zijn grote inspiratiebron om een Letter Bee te worden is spoorloos verdwenen, zonder zelfs maar zijn geliefde kleine zusje te vertellen waar hij heen ging. En hier begint het verhaal van Tegami Bachi pas echt. Lag zweert dat hij Gauche zal vinden en begint aan zijn leven als Letter Bee, en dan gebeurt er iets wat een hoop kijkers behoorlijk op de serie deed afknappen. Net op het moment dat de serie op zijn hoogtepunt lijkt, wordt alle mysterie ineens opzij geschoven en komt er een reeks fillers. De eerste paar zijn nog vermakelijk, maar na een paar filler afleveringen heb je het wel gehad en wil je verder met het verhaal, helemaal omdat het einde van de serie in zicht komt. Het uithoudingsvermogen van de kijkers wordt hier tot in het uiterste op de proef gestelt, maar wanneer de serie terug komt bij het eigenlijke verhaal schiet het niveau ook meteen weer omhoog en smul je weer van alle mysterieuze gebeurtenissen en wanneer de serie opnieuw een hoogtepunt bereikt is het ineens afgelopen en wordt je achtergelaten met een ontzettende cliffhanger, smekend om meer.
Het eerste wat opvalt aan Tegami Bachi zijn de unieke character designs en het kleurgebruik. Doordat het natuurlijk altijd nacht is en de kunstmatige ster alleen maar een wit, blauwachtig licht afgeeft is er heel veel gebruik gemaakt van paars en blauwtinten. Dit, in combinatie met de soundtrack, geeft de anime een apart, mysterieus en dromerige sfeer. De personages zijn heel gedetaileerd weergegeven, en allemaal met hun eigen uiteenlopende unieke karaktertrekjes, kwaliteiten en mindere kanten. Zo is Lag Seeing een behulpzaam, onschuldig, maar dapper jongetje. Hij is bijzonder gepassioneerd in zijn werk als Letter Bee en gaat tot het uiterste om de brieven te bezorgen. Ook is hij heel emotioneel en moet hij overal om huilen, wat in het begin een beetje irritant is, maar later echt een deel van hem blijkt te zijn.

Ook de andere personages, zoals de Letter Bees waar Lag mee werkt, zijn tot in de puntjes uitgewerkt, waardoor je erg met ze mee leeft. Hun achtergronden worden langzaam aan het licht gebracht door middel van flashbacks, die in der serie heel vaak voor komen. Veel van deze personages hebben in de 25 korte afleveringen echter nog niet de kans gehad om echt goed uit de verf te komen, maar ook dit draagt bij aan de mysterieuze sfeer, en ik ga ervan uit dat we in het volgende seizoen dan ook meer over deze personages te weten zullen komen.
Het is moeilijk te zeggen wat nu eigenlijk datgene is dat Tegami Bachi zo aantrekkelijk maakt. Is het de bizarre, maar zeer originele verhaallijn is, de unieke, zorgvuldig uitgewerkte, geheimzinnige, dromerige sfeer, of de grote verzameling sympathieke, maar toch veelal nog mysterieuze personages? Ik weet het niet, maar iets zorgde er gewoon voor dat ik na de eerste aflevering meteen verslaafd was, en na de volgdende paar afleveringen gewoon móest weten wat er met Gauche was gebeurd. Deze anime is een aanrader voor iedereen die wel eens wat anders wil, en een must-see for mysterie liefhebbers, want dat is iets dat deze bijzonder sfeervolle serie in overvloed heeft. En de fillers? Die kun je maar beter gewoon vergeten. ;)

vrijdag 9 april 2010
Tegami Bachi END season 1.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. TT_________________________________________TT
It's over. Done. Gone. I finished it. And now I'm depressed! I don't want it to be over! i____i Anyways, about the episodes:
Episode 24 was already pretty heavy. Zazie, Connor and Lag tried to put the Gaichuu down together, but then suddenly the ground caved in and Lag fell down trying to save the bag of letters that was falling in a hole in the ground. In the meantime, we got to see a flashback in which Lag and Connor were in a carriage on their way to Honey Waters, discussing whether or not they fellt more comfortable with Zazie by their sides. In that flashback, Connor explained to Lag how Gaichuu kill people. They eat their hearts out. After the flashback, the Gaichuu they were fighting suddenly turns out to have weird tentacle-ish thingies, and wraps those around Ann. As she is struggling against the Gaichuu trying to eat her heart, we see her memories, which I didn't find particularly interesting but, ah well. After seeing her being strangled by the Gauchuu's tentacles, Zazie got pretty pissed and tried to take the Gaichuu down by himself, which was a bug failure that resulted in Zazie being tied up by the tentacles too. Now for a moment I thought we were gonna lose our precious Zazie to that Gaichuu, but thank God, Lag came to the rescue!
When he killed the gaichuu with a shindan, he hit Hunt, who was tied up by the Gaichuu as well, and saw a memory of him, concerning Gauche! And that takes us to the final episode.
In the flashback, we see Sarah and Hunt when they first entered Honey Waters, en they had an encounter with Gauche, who saved them from a Gaichuu. After having slayed the Gaichuu like always, Gauche is approached by some creepy guy from Reverse, a rebel organisation against the government, and he's trying to recruit Gauche, and this is interesting; he says he knows why Sylvette can't lose her legs, and it's probably got something to do with the government. Gauche was resistent at first, but after the "One unable to become Spirit" mentioned his little sister, you could see he's having doubts.

After this little talk, both Gauche and the Reverse-guy leave the scene, and we get to see how Sarah made up the story of lies she told the people. Now after this flashback, we're back at the present, and we see Lag crying as usual. After having seen what really happened, the villagers get angry and start throwing rocks at Sarah, but Lag protects her with his body, being on the verge of tears. Or actually not even on the verge, but hey, we know Lag. x'D

When the people stop throwing rocks and everything seems to have come to an happy end, Connor and Zazie head home, with Sarah and Hunt taking Lag and Niche's places in the carriage, so they have to walk. As they're walking through some desolate area, and I almost thought nothing worth mentioning was gonna happen in this season anymore, suddenly a woman appears before Niche, who kinda lost sight of Lag for a moment. After insulting Niche she suddenly tells her her name is Roda, and that she's someone's dingo too. I was REALLY surprised too have Gauche's dingo pop up out of the blue in the last episode even apart from the fact that she turned human all of a sudden when she was suppodes to be a dog! Things get even more shocking when Lag runs into a certain someone. Yes, no one other that Gauche Suede! Like for real, no flashback, FOR REAL!

By this time I was in fangirl-heaven. I think I screamed out loud GAUCHE! For about eight times, and started giggling like crazy. Anyways. As you can see, he's not wearing a Letter Bee-uniform, and when Lag clings to his arm crying, telling him he's Lag Seeing, and how Gauche carried him as a letter five years ago. However, and this is where I started sniffing, Gauche, with his coldest voice ever, tells Lag he doesn't know him, he's not Gauche, and he's known as a Marauder. When Lag refuses to accept this answer it gets even worse as Gauche points his gun at Lag, tells him his name is "Noir" and......(I don't wanna say it. >_<) SHOOTS HIM!

While slowly collapsing, Lag watches as Gauche and Roda leave, and the final flashbacks are of Lag's mother leaving, and Gauche leaving five years ago. And then finally, crying that he doesn't wants goodbyes anymore, this amazingly addicting series ends, with this shot, and leaves me in tears.

^ So I was like this too, when the ending theme came in. ^
Goodbye, my dearest Gauche. Goodbye, my cutest Lag. Goodbye, my awesome Niche, my badass Zazie, my fat silly Connor. Goodbye, my beautiful Aria, my lovely Sylvette. Goodbye Tegami Bachi. I will miss you, and I will wait for you, these six months, I will survive, because I can't die happily before I know what happened to Gauche. Before I have seen season two.
donderdag 8 april 2010
Tegami Bachi episode 15-23
Yeah, that's quite a lot episodes. For various reasons. Like fillers, not really anything to write about, and episodes that were just so exciting that I wanted to watch the next one straight away.
15 was a filler I think. 16 too. 17 was about a certain Elena Blanc, who did appear in the manga, but didn't really seem to add anything to the story. Yeah, for a few episodes, Tegami Bachi losts its epicness, though the fillers were all still nice stories, apart from the fact that they were fillers.
Episode 17 was pretty emotional though, and it had this nice Lag - Niche moment:

Apart from that, it showed flashbacks to Largo's past, which was kinda interesting. The first episode after that which was really interesting again was episode 20, which was Zazie-centered, which is always nice ofcourse! ^^

I immediately liked Zazie the moment he appeared, and after episode 20, I've come to like him even more! Also, the corpse doctor from episode 14 makes a bunch of other appearances, which made me laugh my ass off in episode 20, because of this scene: x'D

"Where are you touching me, you pervert!"
Anyways, the episode is about Zazie getting injured by a Gaichuu, and losing a bunch of letters. Moc the bastard tells Lag that he abandoned the letters to get away from the Gaichuu, and that he prefers killing Gaichuu over delivering letters. This is obviously exaggerated, and in the end, we get to see from Lag's shindan that Zazie still risked his life to get the letters back.
And then in episode 21 we get to see Doctor Thunderland again but more importantly, thanks to a flashback of a person named Mana Jones, WE GET TO SEE GAUCHE. This flashback continues in episode 22, and we get mooore Gauche. Just when you start to think this episode is just another flashback-filler, the flashback ends and Doctor Thunderland comes barging is, telling Lag he found a clue about GAUCHE. And finally, we're back to the story.

GAUCHEEEE! *drools*
Lag and Connor rush to place called Honeywater, where some weird woman with a fake spirit amber, tells people lies about the government and the Letter Bees. Niche and Connor get caught by her man but Lag manages to escape with the help of a pretty girl whose father has been killed by Gaichuu. Luckily, the weird woman's servant/boyfriend, is actually a good guy and lets Connor escape. By the end of the episode, a Gaichuu appears. As Lag tries to defeat it by himself, it becomes quite clear how much he needs Niche, and just when everything seems hopeless, a Blue Thorn is suddenly fired at the Gaichuu's gap. ^^

Zazie to the rescue!
I found myself going all "ZAZIEEEEE!" when he suddenly appeared. x'D But I love the doctor too, and Largo, and of course GAUCHE. This show has waaaay to many awesome characters. >.<
Only two episodes left before I have to surrender to the horrific torment of having to wait like 7 months before the next season, while desperately fighting the temptation of reading the manga and spoiling everything for myself. Just when we're soooo close to finding Gauche! TT___TT I hope I will survive it somehow...
woensdag 7 april 2010
Tegami Bachi, episode 14
First of all; about the new OP and ED. I think it wasn't needed, I loved both the old OP and ED. I think I liked them better than the new ones. Also; there was barely any Gauche in the OP animation, and none at all in the ED! That scared me. Nevertheless we got to see some Gauche this episode! ^^

He's got this mysterious air, and I love it. Wait. His whole story is mysterious and it's supposed to be... Ah well, I love him anyway. ^^ And seems like he was a really good person, even the corpse doctor liked him! I really wanna know what happened to him. >.<

Aria's shindan is playing the violin, which restores the heart of the person it's aimed at if I'm right... That's interesting. And from the memories of her that Lag sees, it seems like she's still in love with Gauche... Poor Aria. Her music was beautiful, but it was a pity the animation didn't match the music. I wonder what the rest of the series will be like... everytime I think it's gonna be a filler episode it has just even a tiny bit of character development or something, except for episode 13, which was completely filler. At least I think so. I hope there will be lots of Gauche flashbacks from now on, so we get to know him better even though he's not there...
Tegami Bachi episodes 11 & 12
Judging from what the people in the discussion threads who read the manga say, episode 12 was supposed to be a filler, but it didn't feel like one at all! In the beginning of the episode I could believe it was gonna be a filler, cuz it was a christmas episode! And of course, the Bees got to wear SANTA SUITS! \(>,<)/ But then again, it had a lot of character development. We learn that Zazies parents are killed by Gaichuu, and so he hates them so much, that his shindan consists of hatred. But besides that, he seems to have a weak spot for cute kitties. x'D Another great part was Niche, who wasn't allowed to come along on Lag and Zazie's Holy Night (Ambergroundish for Christmas) messenger-mission, which was a Dingo-free event, so she went socializing with Zazie's dingo, telling him she understands her fellow dingo. x'D And she listens to Aria! =O Thumbs up Aria! Next ep seems filler-ish again, but if it's the same kind of filler we got this time, I don't mind that much!
Oh, and of course there was a scene like this too x'D

maandag 5 april 2010
Tegami Bachi, episode 10

Gauche was already hot as an eleven-year-old...
MORE Gauche flasbacks please! Since it seems it's gonna take a while to find Gauche, and I don't think it'll be like Chrno Crusade, that we get to see him, even though they haven't found him yet. That'd ruin the mystery too. Somehow this anime reminds me of Monster, don't know why. I think it's because the plot seems to be getting more and more complex every episode, and I still feel like there's a lot more to come. I hope it'll turn out to be as good as Monster. But with more beautiful art. And more lovable characters. ^^
People are saying we'll get a lot of filler episodes from here on, but I really hope not. But maybe this show actually comes up with really good fillers, unlike Shugo Chara! Okay, they have some good fillers, but it's just too much, and then it gets boring. So I'll allow a few fillers. But not much, I wont ever forgive fillers if they mess up the excellent pacing in this show! It's already not that fast, I hear people complaining about it, but I think it's a good thing, since it doesn't feel as rushed, and I think the pacing right now is just perfect, but they shouldn't slow it down much more...
Anyway, about the plot; When he was eleven yeard old, on the day both Sylvette and Lag were born, Gauche witnessed a crash of a government airship, and a defect of the artificial sun, and somehow lost every memory of his mother, who died that day. Later in the episode, Zazie warns Lag to control his Shindanjuu well, because if you use too big a fragment of your heart at once, you might lose memories. How this is all related too each other is all unsure, but on the MAL discussion topics, people are guessing there heads of. Most likely Gauche lost his memory because he fired a shindan back then, and thus lost a part of his memories. And now, he did something like that again, with the new shindanjuu, and used up his entire heart, which apparantly means; all of his memories. If that's the case, than he's probably alive somewhere without a clue that there are people searching for him. This is all mere speculation of people who didn't read the manga (neither did I). It still brings up a lot of questions if you ask me. Like; Why did he fire a shindan back then? And how was it related to the crash and the artificial sun? Did he do it to fix the sun, or to make the airship crash? And why did he do it again later, knowing he'd lose all of his memories? And how are Lag and Gauche related? Not just that Lag was born on that day, but Aria mentioned something before about them having the same hair- and eyecolour. People are speculationg about Lag being the reincarnation of Gauche's memories or something, but that seems just weird. Somehow I hope they're gonna come up with some amazing explanation of which no one has ever thought, that answers all the questions, that would be nice.
In the meantime, I'm getting closer to the end of this season and the horrifying torment of having to wait months for the next season, and then, when it finally arrives (with Gauche as a mainie! =D) having to wait a week for each new episode from the very start. How on earth am I gonna survive that?
Tegami Bachi, episode 9
Yaaaay we got to see Gauche again! Or at least, memories of him.

Aria is so beautiful! And she seems to really care about Gauche... AriaxGauche it is then! ^^ (Though I'd be a bit jealouse. >.<)

Sylvette was even cuter when she was little! O.o She's a little mean though. x'D
I have been wondering how old Gauche would be. We're told now that he was eleven when Sylvette was born. Since she's twelve, that makes Gauche 23! That's older that I expected. O.o Ah well, I don't mind though. I love him anyway. <3>
On to episode 10. ^^
Tegami Bachi, episode 8
Okay, I know now why Aria looked sad. TT___TT

Poor Aria, and poor Sylvette! Gauche didn't exactly give up on his job as a Letter Bee, or probably not, at least. He just disappeared and is still missing. And apparently, he's been gone long enough to make Sylvette give up hope on ever seeing him again, and so she tells herself he lost his hart and died (Does that mean the shindan-theory is right?). Somehow I'm really glas I know he's alive, but on the other hand if feels kinda spoiled now. If I watched this this show from when it started airing, I'd probably have bawled my eyes out at this episode. Or at least I would've been frightened of Gauche being dead. Buuh. I guess this means we won't see him for a loooong time. Maybe only in the final episodes, and in flashbacks. That's so mean! I want to watch all of it now, but I still have to keep watching Higurashi on a regular basis too, otherwise I'll get out of the story. Shugo Chara can handle being on-hold, and NANA too, since it's a rewatch, but Higurashi is gonna be a problem... I think I'm gonna finish this arc of Higurashi first, and then devote myself to Tegami Bachi. I guess I'll manage to keep up that way. *Sighs* This show is just way to addicting! Niche's answer to Lag's question what she would do if he's forget about her made me aaww-out-loud. She's just so adorable! >.<
Seems next episode Lag is gonna fire a shindan on Sylvette, so we will get to see Gauche, even if it's on flashback-mode. I'm really wondering if this season is gonna be centered on finding Gauche, or just an arc. Somehow I think it'd be better if finding out what happened with Gauche and searching for him will cover the entire season, but on the other hand I just want him to come back soon. >.<
Tegami Bachi, episode 7
First of all; Lag and Niche get it right. That's how you do a job interview, now is it not?

Aria sure is pretty... Though she seems unhappy...

In this episode, Lag took his exam for becoming a Letter Bee, and he passed the test with magnificent scores. We got to see awesome Zazie, and at the end of the episode, we heard a shocking revelation; Gauche, the very recordholder of the Letter Bee exam Lag just took, and lag's inspiration for wanting to become a Letter Bee, is no longer a Letter Bee himself. Hearing that kinda makes me worried for the reason. On the discussion topic on MAL, I saw a lot of people thought he died from using to many shindan, and I am very relieved to have seen he will still be in the announced second season. As a MAINIE I tell you! =D They can't have a dead man as a mainie, now can they. Can they?
Next ep, we get to see Gauche's cute little sister Sylvette. I wonder what she will be like, in the preview we get to see her with a gun... It seems it'll be a very sad episode, and this series already had me moved a few times, so I wonder if I will shed a tear. We also get to see more of Aria, which can't be a bad thing, so I'm looking forward to that! ^^
zondag 4 april 2010
Tegami Bachi, episode 5
Listen Steak, I get hungry when I get angry. I'm going to eat you now, Steak, so will you do your best to cook nicely?

Niche equals awesomeness. Need I say more?
I do miss Gauche though. And this picture from the ED makes me curious. >.<>

Tegami Bachi, episode 3
Lag Seeing, you are the first man who ever got me to wear underwear.

Kawai desu ne~ >.<
TegaBa is keeping it up! ^^
Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, episode 19
What I touched was a flickering image,
What resounds is a sorrowful echo,
What permeates the air is the smell of burned memories.
Ah, so it wasn't Mion who killed everyone in the second arc! It was Shion! Why didn't I figure that out before? But the end of the second arc was a big mistery with Mion being dead and still coming to smash a nail in Keiichi's hand, and the scene at the very beginning of the second arc. Rika-chan killing herself with a big knife and Mion/Shion watching and laughing... So that's the way Rika-chan died! That has to be it! Then everyone except Keiichi was already killed before the disaster! But then again. Satoko was with Keiichi when he found Rika-chan was killed, but in the second arc, Mion/Shion kidnapped Satoko and Rika at the same time... AAARGH I DON'T GET IT! XO This show is really giving me a headache. But in a good way, of course! ;]
Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni, episode 18
What I seek is but the slightest bit of peace.
What I can see is a corridor of hatred.
What falls beyond is the darkness.

Bitchfight or twincest? It's all up to you!
Okay, so things are going to get pretty mixed up at this point. The last two arcs made sense together. This arc seems to make make sense with both those arcs, and the first one as well, with Satoshi dissapearing and the way he acted, it also refers to the second arc, with Mion being jealouse and Shion entering the storage room with Keiichi, Takano-san and Tomitake. This all makes perfect sense, apart from being showed in a totally random order. However, in the first arc, Keiichi kills Mion and Rena, and then himself. In the second arc, Mion kills everyone. In the third arc, Rika-chan is killed first, and then everyone except Keiichi dies from the gas disaster. So except for the ways everyone dies, everything fits. (Though I don't remember Shion glomping Keiichi in the storage room, but that might be just me.) I'm really curious where this will be taking us. This arc has yet to be concluded, and I think I'd better just watch it without trying to figure things out, it only gives me a headache. I'm just hoping that everything will make sense in the end, like it did in Monster, and I'm really hoping for some amazingly epic explanation. The conclusion can make or break this show, that's for sure.
Fandubs; Update
Fandubs die ik na de eerste tot nu toe heb gedaan in chronologische volgorde:
- A Little Pain ; Tja. Aardig was valse noten. Ik had het beter kunnen doen, maar ik wilde zo graag iets uploaden dat ik het er een beetje gemakzuchtig vanaf heb gebracht. Ook ontdekte ik pas na dit liedje dat Audacity je timing verneukt en je dus af en toe een stukje stilte weg moet knippen. Daarom klinkt ie soms een beetje offbeat. Ik ben één keer de tekst vergeten, en was dus ook te lui/ongeduldig om dat over te doen. >.<>
- Minna Daisuki ; Allereerst: Yami no Fandubber die schattig probeert te klinken = MAJOR FAIL. Ik wordt zelf een beetje eng van mijn "Maji desu kaaaa?" O.o Gelukkig is het liedje kort. Verder ging ik volgens mij nergens echt heel erg de mist in toch? Het klinkt gewoon heel erg eng. En weer die timing. *vervloekt Audacity*
- Magnet ; Tjaa, Magnet. Ik houd zo van dit nummer dat ik het gewoon wel even móest verkrachten! ='D Maar als ik kijk hoeveel afgrijselijke Magnet-fandubs er op Joetjoep staan vind ik dat nog enigzins meeval, maar het is zo'n freaking moeilijk nummer! Oké, dat komtook omdat het in de eerste instantie niet is gemaakt om door mensen gezongen te worden, maar door robotstemmen, die zingen toch niet vals. ;D Oké, slecht excuus, want er zijn ook hele goede fandubs. En ik heb ANATAAAAAA lekker lang vast gehouden. >.<>
- Tsubasa wa Pleasure Line ; Oké, ik geef het toe. Het begin is verschrikkelijk vals. Ik vond het bij dit liedje heel moeilijk invallen in het begin, vandaar dat het nogal vals is. Bij het refrein begint ineens het geluid te kraken, maar dat zit 'm in de instrumentale versie, die niet met Audacity overweg kon. Ik heb dit liedje wel een beetje onderschat. Hij leek niet zo moeilijk, maar dat was ie dus best wel. Het couplet niet, maar het refrein, en de "Yakusoku shitai you ne" waar je ineens heel snel omhoog moet, en die "wasurenai itsumo", de climax van het liedje eigenlijk, sluit op de één of andere manier precies niet aan bij mijn stem ofzo. Dat is zo'n irritante hoogte dat je eigenlijk net tussen kopstem en borststem inzit, ik weet niet hoe ik het moet uitleggen. Anyway, daardoor voelt het liedje een beetje vlak, omdat de climax zo teleurstellend was...
- Sayounara Solitaire ; Oké, dit vereist uileg. Ik heb hem twee keer opgenomen, en één ervan verwijderd, maar Audacity heeft ze samen geëxporteerd. Daarom klink ik dubbel en ik heb het project al verwijderd. >.<>
Nou dat was het dus. Voor oorlopig heb ik in ieder geval Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni in de planning staan en een aantal NANA liedjes, waaronder Wish, Starless Night en Kuroi Namida. Shadow of Love en Winter Sleep ga ik proberen, maar met name voor Winter Sleep betwijfel ik STERK of dat wat wordt. Dat liedje is zó onmenselijk hoog en moeilijk!
zaterdag 3 april 2010
Tegami Bachi, episode 2
That was even more awesome than episode 1. AND IT WAS SO CUTE! >.<


Lag and Gauche are now officially friends. ^^ I was a little jealouse of Lag, being hugged by Gauche and all. Since he's so sexy... And now it's five years later and Lag is a twelve-year-old and Gauche is... I don't know. But it seems we won't see him for a while. NOEEEES GAUCHE!!!! TT__TT (He's so sexy) Oh, next episode is the manga chapter I read! Crybaby Boy, Letter Girl, and we get to see Niche! And yeah, that "Crybaby Boy" seems quite right! x'D I wonder if it's the first chapter I read, or both of them, if that's the case, it's gonna be really cute! TANOSHIMI DAYO! But I'm going to get some sleep now first. Since it's already 1.45 And I hope we get to see Gauche again really soon. He's so sexy. O.o
Ja ne!
PS; Did I mention Gauche is sexy?
Tegami Bachi, episode 1
Like OhmyGosh. I'm hooked already.
The first things I have to say about this;


Okay, so I read two chapters of the manga in Shounen Jump, and somehow I was intrigued. The first chapter I read (which was not actually the first chapter of the manga) already interested me. But, back then (it was back in July or something) it didn't have and anime yet, so I promised myself to read the rest of the manga one day. When I heard it was going to be animated, I was glad, but still tangled up in a bunch of other series. Yesterday however, I was at my dad's place and found another issue of Shounen Jump, and was delighted to see that it had a chapter of TegaBa in it, and I read it in one breath. After that, I decided to start watching as soon as I got home.
I know, it's a story about postmen in a fictional world called Amberground, so why did I want to watch it so badly? I don't know, but it's got this mysterious attraction towards me. And it's only gotten worse after watching it! My first reaction was loving the opening theme. Second was loving Gauche (which was the first character that appeared on screen). So I watched this episode and found myzelf loving every single thing about it. The art, the animation, the characters, the story, the atmosphere, the seiyuus (Jun-kun as Gauche, Miyuki-chan as Lag...). I am definitely going to complete this. The first episode already has me hooked, and I can't wait to see Niche and all the other characters and to find out where this will take us. Well, 24 episodes left for now, and there's a second season due this october! ^^
Kimi ni Todoke - Review

Een extreem timide meisje, een veel te vriendelijke, knappe jongen, een Japanse highschool, en veel momenten met bloemen en bubbels. Als je nu denkt dat dit gaat over een doorsnee shoujo anime als alle andere, heb je Kimi ni Todoke duidelijk niet gezien. Toegegeven, het verhaal is niks nieuws; Meisje ontmoet jongen, jongen helpt meisje, meisje valt voor jongen, en de twee draaien eindeloos om elkaar heen. Maar er is iets aan deze serie waardoor het totaal verschilt van alle standaard shoujo-romances en het tot een unieke kijkervaring maakt waarbij je jezelf er vaak op zult betrappen dat je vertederd zit te grijnzen.
Kuronuma Sawako is een verlegen, bescheiden meisje die eigenlijk nooit echt vrienden heeft gehad en een eenzaam leventje leidt. Op school is bijna iedereen bang voor haar. Mensen denken dat ze Sadako heet, als het meisje van The Ring, en haar lange sluike zwarte haar draagt bij aan dat imago. Er gaan roddels rond dat Sawako aan zwarte magie zou doen, en dat het ongeluk brengt haar langer dan drie seconden aan te kijken. Het ironische is dat Sawako in feite de vriendelijkheid zelve is. Hoewel iedereen haar eng vind wil ze eigenlijk niets anders dan vrienden maken, toch lijkt ze met haar eenzame bestaan redelijk tevreden, en is ze dankbaar voor iedere positieve toenadering.
Kazehaya Shouta is een populaire jongen uit Sawako's klas. Hij is één van de weinige mensen die weet dat ze Sawako heet, in plaats van Sadako, en niet bang voor haar is. Op een dag benadert hij Sawako, waarvan ze diep onder de indruk is. Sawako besluit dat ze iemand wil zijn zoals Kazehaya, die altijd omringd is door mensen. Kazehaya helpt haar daarmee en langzaam begint het beeld dat de mensen van Sawako hebben te veranderen.
Art & Animatie
Één van de eerste verschillen met de standaard shoujo-anime die je opvalt, is de artstijl. Kimi ni Todoke is vrij simpel getekend, maar toch is de unieke artstijl één van de charmes van de serie. Vooral Sawako's verwonderde blik is een handelsmerk. Het is ook één van die zeldzame series waarin niet alle personages; of alle 'goede' personages mooi zijn. Sterker nog, de meest uitgesproken mooie meid in de serie is een nou niet bepaald het meest sympathieke personage. Opzich vind ik dat altijd een pluspunt, aangezien het in het echte leven nou eenmaal ook zo is. Niet iedereen is volgens de schoonheidsidealen "mooi", en al helemaal niet alleen aardige mensen. Deze opvatting vind ik altijd een beetje oppervlakkig. Ik snap wel dat ze het bij anime vaak zo aanpakken. Het is nu eenmaal makkelijker om mee te leven met een mooi meisje, dan met een gedrocht met pukkels en pluishaar. Kimi ni Todoke is echter duidelijk een anime waarin uiterlijk er niet toe doet, wat ook te merken is aan het gebrek van rondzwiepende borsten en opvliegende rokjes, wat absoluut geen gemis is. Een minpuntje is dat Kimi ni Todoke in het simpele, minimalistische principe zo ver gaat dat de sommige bijpersonages visueel gewoon helemaal niet uitgewerkt. Zo bestaat het gezicht van Sawako's moeder uit een huidkleurig rondje voorzien van een streepje als mond en twee zwarte stipjes als ogen. Een ander nadeel is dat de zorgvuldigheid van de artstijl niet de continuïteit heeft die me tevreden houdt. De personages zien er in sommige afleveringen duidelijk minder uit dan in andere. Dat is jammer. Daarnaast hebben de makers de vreselijke gewoonte om ééns in de zoveel tijd het rechteroog van een personage weg te laten, wat er ronduit doodeng uitziet. Hierdoor verliest de serie aan aandoenlijkheid. De animatie daarentegen, is altijd om door een ringetje te maken. Geen onnatuurlijkke bewegingen, voor zover ik me kan herinneren, en met name de schattige, langzame scènes tussen Sawako en Kazehaya zien er (qua animatie) extra verzorgd uit.
Ook de muziek die gebruikt wordt in Kimi ni Todoke draagt bij aan de algehele schattigheid van de serie. Tussen de rustige, opgewekte opening theme en de wat meer melancholische ending theme wordt veel gebruik gemaakt van rustige, lieflijke piano muziekjes en andere instrumentalen waarvan de sound waarschijnlijk het beste te beschrijven is als 'onschuldig' (De hele serie trouwens). Op de een of andere manier lijken vooral liedjes als Pure White Story en Arigatou haast gecomponeerd te zijn om samen te gaan met de zachte, hoge stem van Noto Mamiko, de seiyuu die Sawako inspreekt, wat me op het volgende onderwerp brengt; seiyuus. Ikzelf was al een fan van Noto Mamiko vanwege haar vertolkingen van Anna Liebert in Monster, en vooral Kotomi in Clannad, waar ze mijn hart veroverde met haar legendarische breakdown-scène. De stem die ze voor Sawako opzette was in het begin een beetje irritant, maar toen ik er eenmaal aan gewend was paste het toch stukken beter bij Sawako's personage dan een standaard schattig piepstemmetje. Kazehaya's seiyuu kende ik nog niet, maar was ook heel geschikt voor zijn personage. Zijn spel sprong er niet bijzonder uit, maar was gewoon goed. Nakamura Yuuichi, die Ryuu insprak, is ook één van mijn favorieten, en ik ben blij dat hij de hele serie lang Ryuu is gebleven, en niet Ikuto of Tomoya werd. Met zijn droge, lage stem paste ook hij perfect bij zijn personage. Het enige personage die me aan iemand anders deed denken was Kurumi, maar met de stem van Hirano, Aya is dat ook bijna onvermijdelijk; die heeft zoveel rollen. Een paar keer deed Kurumi me denken aan Reira, maar dat kwam ook niet alleen door haar stem, en was ook niet heel storend, ik ben nog altijd een fan van Hirano Aya.
Al met al waren dus de stemacteurs heel goed gecast voor hun personages. Een hoop bekende seiyuus, naast Noto Mamiko, Nakamura Yuuichi en Hirano Aya werd Ayane bijvoorbeeld ingesproken door Sawashiro Miyuki. Dus dat was allemaal prima in orde.
De belangrijkste personages zijn goed uitgewerkt, maar geven wel het gevoel dat er nog heel veel meer over ze te ontdekken is. De typen personages komen redelijk overeen met het stereotype, maar steeds met kleine afwijkingen. Bijvoorbeeld Sawako, het verlegen, bescheiden meisje. Dit is opzich geen uniek personage, maar toch zijn er aan haar persoonlijkheid bepaalde dingen toegevoegd die haar toch weer wel uniek maken, en bovendien heel sympathiek. Gedurende de serie maakt ze grote ontwikkelingen door, ze kruipt als het ware uit haar schulp, en dat is maar goed ook, want uiteindelijk wordt haar overdreven naïeviteit een héél klein beetje irritant. Kazehaya is nog niet heel erg gedetailleerd, maar ik heb het idee dat dat nog komt, verder in de manga, en in seizoen twee (als dat er komt), daar worden namelijk meerdere hints voor gegeven. Iets was bij veel van de belangrijke personages opvalt is dat hun uiterlijk misleidend is. Het meest voor de hand liggende voorbeeld hiervan is natuurlijk Sawako, die er eng uitziet terwijl ze geen vlieg kwaad doet, maar ook bij Kurumi, Chizu, Ayane en Ryuu komt dit terug.
Toegegeven, het verhaal is niet uniek, en er zijn een hoop schoonheidsfoutjes, maar Kimi ni Todoke heeft iets waardoor je dat de makers allemaal gewoon vergeeft! Na het zien van de eerste afleveringen werd ik spontaan verliefd op de serie, maar op een bepaald moment lijkt het die mysterieuze warmte heel even kwijt te zijn. Gelukkig komt het in de laatste afleveringen weer terug, en ga je weer volop zitten hopen dat Sawako en Kazehaya bij elkaar komen. Tot mijn irritatie maar ook vooral opluchting, was het einde van aflevering twintig absoluut geen einde, dus is er bij deze maar één ding wat ik deze serie niet zal vergeven, en dat is als ze het hierbij laten. Met andere woorden; Op naar seizoen twee! ^^
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