Yeah, that's quite a lot episodes. For various reasons. Like fillers, not really anything to write about, and episodes that were just so exciting that I wanted to watch the next one straight away.
15 was a filler I think. 16 too. 17 was about a certain Elena Blanc, who did appear in the manga, but didn't really seem to add anything to the story. Yeah, for a few episodes, Tegami Bachi losts its epicness, though the fillers were all still nice stories, apart from the fact that they were fillers.
Episode 17 was pretty emotional though, and it had this nice Lag - Niche moment:
Apart from that, it showed flashbacks to Largo's past, which was kinda interesting. The first episode after that which was really interesting again was episode 20, which was Zazie-centered, which is always nice ofcourse! ^^
I immediately liked Zazie the moment he appeared, and after episode 20, I've come to like him even more! Also, the corpse doctor from episode 14 makes a bunch of other appearances, which made me laugh my ass off in episode 20, because of this scene: x'D
"Where are you touching me, you pervert!"
Anyways, the episode is about Zazie getting injured by a Gaichuu, and losing a bunch of letters. Moc the bastard tells Lag that he abandoned the letters to get away from the Gaichuu, and that he prefers killing Gaichuu over delivering letters. This is obviously exaggerated, and in the end, we get to see from Lag's shindan that Zazie still risked his life to get the letters back.
And then in episode 21 we get to see Doctor Thunderland again but more importantly, thanks to a flashback of a person named Mana Jones, WE GET TO SEE GAUCHE. This flashback continues in episode 22, and we get mooore Gauche. Just when you start to think this episode is just another flashback-filler, the flashback ends and Doctor Thunderland comes barging is, telling Lag he found a clue about GAUCHE. And finally, we're back to the story.
GAUCHEEEE! *drools*
Lag and Connor rush to place called Honeywater, where some weird woman with a fake spirit amber, tells people lies about the government and the Letter Bees. Niche and Connor get caught by her man but Lag manages to escape with the help of a pretty girl whose father has been killed by Gaichuu. Luckily, the weird woman's servant/boyfriend, is actually a good guy and lets Connor escape. By the end of the episode, a Gaichuu appears. As Lag tries to defeat it by himself, it becomes quite clear how much he needs Niche, and just when everything seems hopeless, a Blue Thorn is suddenly fired at the Gaichuu's gap. ^^
Zazie to the rescue!
I found myself going all "ZAZIEEEEE!" when he suddenly appeared. x'D But I love the doctor too, and Largo, and of course GAUCHE. This show has waaaay to many awesome characters. >.<
Only two episodes left before I have to surrender to the horrific torment of having to wait like 7 months before the next season, while desperately fighting the temptation of reading the manga and spoiling everything for myself. Just when we're soooo close to finding Gauche! TT___TT I hope I will survive it somehow...
Did you get the episodes in dub?