donderdag 22 april 2010

NANA episode 35

I want a new ED already! Hearing Kuroi Namida after such a bunch of heartbreaking events always makes me want to cry. TT___TT I wonder why people hate Reira so much. I feel really sorry for her, but I think she's a nice character too. Ofcourse, I do hate her for screwing with Shin, but that's kind of... I don't know. He ís a prostitute. So I guess we can't really blame her for playing with him. We didn't get a guitar-playing Shin this episode though! Maybe next one... I hate Nana now for not making up with Hachi. But I still love her! ^^ The bad side of this episode was that it didn't have any Shin, but Nana crying in Nobu's arms was cute enough! (Though it would have been even better if it were Hachi. TT__TT

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