vrijdag 9 april 2010

Tegami Bachi END season 1.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. TT_________________________________________TT

It's over. Done. Gone. I finished it. And now I'm depressed! I don't want it to be over! i____i Anyways, about the episodes:

Episode 24 was already pretty heavy. Zazie, Connor and Lag tried to put the Gaichuu down together, but then suddenly the ground caved in and Lag fell down trying to save the bag of letters that was falling in a hole in the ground. In the meantime, we got to see a flashback in which Lag and Connor were in a carriage on their way to Honey Waters, discussing whether or not they fellt more comfortable with Zazie by their sides. In that flashback, Connor explained to Lag how Gaichuu kill people. They eat their hearts out. After the flashback, the Gaichuu they were fighting suddenly turns out to have weird tentacle-ish thingies, and wraps those around Ann. As she is struggling against the Gaichuu trying to eat her heart, we see her memories, which I didn't find particularly interesting but, ah well. After seeing her being strangled by the Gauchuu's tentacles, Zazie got pretty pissed and tried to take the Gaichuu down by himself, which was a bug failure that resulted in Zazie being tied up by the tentacles too. Now for a moment I thought we were gonna lose our precious Zazie to that Gaichuu, but thank God, Lag came to the rescue!

When he killed the gaichuu with a shindan, he hit Hunt, who was tied up by the Gaichuu as well, and saw a memory of him, concerning Gauche! And that takes us to the final episode.

In the flashback, we see Sarah and Hunt when they first entered Honey Waters, en they had an encounter with Gauche, who saved them from a Gaichuu. After having slayed the Gaichuu like always, Gauche is approached by some creepy guy from Reverse, a rebel organisation against the government, and he's trying to recruit Gauche, and this is interesting; he says he knows why Sylvette can't lose her legs, and it's probably got something to do with the government. Gauche was resistent at first, but after the "One unable to become Spirit" mentioned his little sister, you could see he's having doubts.

After this little talk, both Gauche and the Reverse-guy leave the scene, and we get to see how Sarah made up the story of lies she told the people. Now after this flashback, we're back at the present, and we see Lag crying as usual. After having seen what really happened, the villagers get angry and start throwing rocks at Sarah, but Lag protects her with his body, being on the verge of tears. Or actually not even on the verge, but hey, we know Lag. x'D

When the people stop throwing rocks and everything seems to have come to an happy end, Connor and Zazie head home, with Sarah and Hunt taking Lag and Niche's places in the carriage, so they have to walk. As they're walking through some desolate area, and I almost thought nothing worth mentioning was gonna happen in this season anymore, suddenly a woman appears before Niche, who kinda lost sight of Lag for a moment. After insulting Niche she suddenly tells her her name is Roda, and that she's someone's dingo too. I was REALLY surprised too have Gauche's dingo pop up out of the blue in the last episode even apart from the fact that she turned human all of a sudden when she was suppodes to be a dog! Things get even more shocking when Lag runs into a certain someone. Yes, no one other that Gauche Suede! Like for real, no flashback, FOR REAL!

By this time I was in fangirl-heaven. I think I screamed out loud GAUCHE! For about eight times, and started giggling like crazy. Anyways. As you can see, he's not wearing a Letter Bee-uniform, and when Lag clings to his arm crying, telling him he's Lag Seeing, and how Gauche carried him as a letter five years ago. However, and this is where I started sniffing, Gauche, with his coldest voice ever, tells Lag he doesn't know him, he's not Gauche, and he's known as a Marauder. When Lag refuses to accept this answer it gets even worse as Gauche points his gun at Lag, tells him his name is "Noir" and......(I don't wanna say it. >_<) SHOOTS HIM!

While slowly collapsing, Lag watches as Gauche and Roda leave, and the final flashbacks are of Lag's mother leaving, and Gauche leaving five years ago. And then finally, crying that he doesn't wants goodbyes anymore, this amazingly addicting series ends, with this shot, and leaves me in tears.

^ So I was like this too, when the ending theme came in. ^

Goodbye, my dearest Gauche. Goodbye, my cutest Lag. Goodbye, my awesome Niche, my badass Zazie, my fat silly Connor. Goodbye, my beautiful Aria, my lovely Sylvette. Goodbye Tegami Bachi. I will miss you, and I will wait for you, these six months, I will survive, because I can't die happily before I know what happened to Gauche. Before I have seen season two.

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